Thursday, October 31, 2019

Conflict and Plan for Improvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Conflict and Plan for Improvement - Essay Example Conflict and Plan for Improvement Thus, I would think that I am logical when dealing with conflict. Whenever I am faced with a situation that is a sure way to start a bigger conflict, I first try to look at the intent of the other person. I believe that we first have to look at the intent of a person when they do an act because miscommunications often lead to disagreements. The context of the situation and how a person says something or relays his thought must be considered before we react. I think that I am objective when dealing with conflict. There are times when I could be prone to outbursts especially if I am not in a particularly good mood prior to the conflict. When I am not feeling well or I have problems in other aspects of my life, I cannot help but to be irritated easily with other matters. I also noticed that I am prone to snap in certain situations like when I’m hungry. I could be passive aggressive that I sometimes make it seem that I am okay when I’m not. In these situations, I burst out when I become fed up and it becomes harder for me to let go of issue. I stand by my point to the extent that I cannot let it go until the other person affirms my belief. I am not one to easily get mad but once I do, it becomes harder for me to listen to other people’s point of view. People in my life affirm that I do not easily get mad but my mom says that I have a tendency to be emotional. Nevertheless, I am able to say sorry and acknowledge my guilt even when I was little.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Who is the stronger feminist Essay Example for Free

Who is the stronger feminist Essay What is feminism? Does it still exist? Who do you think will be the winner of this title? Lady Macbeth, the psychotic, patronising, devil woman of the Shakespearean era? Or will it be the modern woman, Susan B Anthony the courageous woman who voted for the president election illegally and who is the hero of women’s rights. Who wins in this tournament? In Elizabethan England women were known as sweet, innocent, modest, polite, charming, obedient, and respectful and the inferior sex. Although in today society it is quite the opposite, ideal women in today’s society are known for confidence, outgoing, smart, beautiful, humorous and fun to be around with. Are these the quality of the two women, Lady Macbeth and Susan B Anthony, we are contrasting today? Feminism means to me the representation of women in society. Do you think feminism should exist? Yes, I believe it should exist because every person on this planet should have equal rights. If there were no feminists and feminism who are we as women? Would we still be able to vote? Will we still be trapped in between those walls cooking and cleaning? Both feminists have strong ambitions, however Lady Macbeth’s ambitions are purely selfish and desires power and position, on the other hand Susan B Anthony’s ambition were not selfish but was driven to fight for women’s rights. Announcer: from Shakespeare’s play the evil and ruthless Lady†¦.. Macbeth! And from the opposite corner Susan B Anthony the fierce woman who changed history! Round One: Ding! Ding! When we first see Lady Macbeth, she is plotting her evil scheme to Duncan’s murder. We quickly realise Lady Macbeth’s personality is portrayed as frightening and murderous. This is seen in the play when Lady Macbeth says ‘that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan’. In this quote Lady Macbeth uses allusion to murder this allusion to murder is recognised by the word â€Å"croak† referring to a crow which is a symbol of death. Lady Macbeth says this because she is thinking of how she will kill Duncan. Susan B Anthony was a woman who fought for women’s equal rights. She was a strong and fearless woman who believed in equality in society this is shown in the quote â€Å"Women, we might as well be dog baying the moon as petitioners without the right to vote! In this quote Susan B Anthony uses personification to compare if women are not allowed to vote they would be useful as dogs looking at the moon. Announcer: This round goes to Susan B Anthony. Round two: Ding! Ding! In 1872 Susan B Anthony was arrested for voting in a president election, she was fined $100 but never paid it. Announcer: Ouch! What a cunning strike from Anthony. Ho w will Lady Macbeth recover? Lady Macbeth shows masculinity and determination with questions towards her husband when he hesitates to murder. Lady Macbeth uses the quote ‘I have given suck, and know how tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, and dashed the brains out, had I sworn as you have done this’ Lady Macbeth uses violent language to persuade and show Macbeth how important to her a promise is. Announcer: A quick and hard upper cut from Macbeth, she wins the round! Announcer: Macbeth and Anthony are strong and determined women, they don’t give up until they achieve what they set to achieve. Round three: ding! Ding! Lady Macbeth is persistent and achieves her goal into becoming queen. Lady Macbeth uses this quote to describe her â€Å"†¦nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark to cry â€Å"Hold, hold! † Lady Macbeth uses the theme of good/light to contrast on her evil deed and let nothing good/heavenly stop her from what she is doing. Many men and women disliked and despised Susan B Anthony and said that she was outspoken on her views in politics and society because Anthony illegally voted in politics as a woman. In this quote ‘The only chance women have for justice in this country is to violate the law, as I have done, and as I shall continue to do’ Susan B Anthony shows dominance and authority for what she is fighting for. Announcer: it was a close round but the winner of this round is Susan B Anthony. Round 4: Ding! Ding! Lady Macbeth is like the devil burning with evil intentions we can see this in her quote ‘Shall sun that morrow see! ’ is her intentions for Duncan. Lady Macbeth uses allusion to murder to show that Duncan will die tonight. Susan B Anthony is the opposite this is shown in the quote ‘it was we, the people, not we, the white male citizens, nor yet we, the male citizens, but we, the whole people, who formed the union’ repetition is used in this quote to remind and make them realise what she is saying. Susan B Anthony is trying to get across her audience. Announcer: These two women never give up don’t they? Round 4 goes to Lady Macbeth by her intentions. Announcer: Both women are held down by society Round 5: ding! Ding! Even though Lady Macbeth seems strong and dominating in the relationship she works through by her husband shown in the quote ‘‘Look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t’ Lady Macbeth uses simile and metaphor to manipulate her husband to do what she wants opposed to Susan B Anthony who is standing for herself as seen in the quote ‘I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand’ Susan B Anthony explains that women do not need a man to guide a woman because women are strong with or without a man. Emotive language is used to move her audience. Announcer: Lady Macbeth too slow and Susan B Anthony swings a superman. Announcer: Ladies especially and gentlemen our winner of this tournament is Susan B Anthony. She wins the golden belt and the name and crown of THE SRONGER FEMMINIST tournament. This leaves us to the conclusion ladies and gentlemen. As we can see feminism still exists and the fact that a long time ago the relationship between the sexes is both unequal and oppressive to women. Lady Macbeth is a feminist because she was against her society and that in her quote ‘Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here; and fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty! ’ Lady Macbeth is asking the spirits to remove her gender and her female characteristics and be equal to a male. Susan B Anthony is the ultimate feminist because she stood up for women and their rights and tried to change society’s views on women by illegally voting to encourage women, around the country to give speeches and give faith to people for women’s rights. Thank you folks! And I will see you next time.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

England: A Christian Country

England: A Christian Country Christianity as a religion is one that was first brought to the British Isles around 1st century AD, this was during the Roman Empire. Britain had its own set of religious icons; Pagan gods of the earth and Roman gods of the sky. It was into this setting that Christianity arrived, and It is thought to have started in England before moving to Ireland, Scotland, and then into other British Isles. This evangelization was carried out mostly by the Gregorian Missionaries; this eventually led to the beginning of the Church of England. The Church of England which is the foremost form of Christianity in England has it beginnings towards the end of the 6th century, during the time of the Anglo-Saxons. The Church of England highlights continuity through apostolic succession and traditionally looks to these early events for its origins rather than to changes brought about by the English reformation. Events such as Henry VIIIs schism with the Roman Catholic Church or the excommunication of Elizabeth I or the wider Reformation in mainland Europe are all events that contributed to the development of the Church of England as it is now established, but are regarded as a continuation of the arrival of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church to the British Isles.  [1]   Wikipedia articles on the origins of the Church of England. However, as the years progressed the notion was formed that the Church was founded by God and the ruling monarch was automatically the Head of the Church, appointed also by God. Christianity rose from a small religion to being the national religion, with the association of Church to Monarchy. This therefore meant that all proceedings within the Kingdom were governed by God. Christianity was a part of the people and the people were conditioned into the lifestyle of being Christians. Children were being baptized, taught in the faith as part of daily living as well as in school curriculum. Births, Marriages and Deaths/Funerals were conducted and registered by the Clergy. Therefore during this period, England was predominantly a Christian nation. It is worth mentioning that there was also paganism in England, however as Christianity grew paganism reduced. The discussion in this essay however, is not about the origins of Christianity nor is it about the origins of the Church of England. Some of the points discussed below are from personal findings, while other points are secondary research. With the herald of a more accommodating society, more religions are being rooted in the British society. This is also because of the increase in the ethnic groups in England, who have various religions, and with the world of political correctness; other religions are blooming and thriving as well. Unfortunately, the percentage of English people of Christian origins are dwindling, leaving generations after them to being less keen about religion altogether. Christianity is slowly diminishing because we are now in a more secular society. There are less faith schools, and the percentage of Church goers has reduced over the last couple of decades. According to personal findings, Church buildings are been sold or remodelled to other functionalities. In current times, even though England is officially a Christian country, there are less than 40% of the people who are Christians and even few much less of them are a part of the Church of England. The remaining population are either Atheists or of a different religion. Findings have proved that the Church today has lost about 1 in 10 members are from 1996 to present day, at this rate the church will find it hard to survive in the next 50 years. There is now a massive fall in registered Births, Marriages and Deaths in the Church. The church today is been grounded by challenges from a changing society, where the Christian institution is on a decline as well as challenges from a rise in cultural and religious diversification. BBC sources record that the United Kingdom, which England is a part of is ethnically diverse, partly as a legacy of empire. Lately, the country has been struggling with issues revolving around multiculturalism, immigration and national identity. This is against a background concerns about terrorism and political and religious radicalismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [2]   In conclusion, we can accept that England is still officially a Christian country due to the fact that the Anglican Church is rooted in England and that the monarchy is associated with the Church of England, however it will be hard for Christianity to hold its footing if the Church does not rise up and take a stand. 1. 2 . 3.

Friday, October 25, 2019

What is an American? :: essays research papers

Let me ask you this: What is an American? There is no right or wrong way to answer this question. It is diffucult to compare an American today to an American two-hundred and fifty years ago, because the modern day America is so diverse that a label cannot be stuck on the forehead of today's society. There are many different ways that one can describe an American today, infact there are so many ways that I could never come close to covering all of them in this essay. I feel the three most effective ways to describe today's American are by the persons age, his or her priorities in life, and the way he or she chooses to present his or her physical self to others (fashion). Throughout the life of an American their age at the time usually determines what activities they choose to be part of. A sixteen year old boy would not choose to spend his Saturday afternoon doing the same thing that a 75 year old grandfather of 6 would spend his afternoon doing. The teenager might decide to play a game of baseball in the park, while the older man might decide to spend the evening with his grandchildren in his garden. Even though both of these people decide to busy themselves differently because of their age they are still Americans. So it is evident that a persons age is descriptive of what a person may choose do with themselves. Yet another description of an American are the priorities that he or she hold dear to them. One person may feel that their family is their greatest priority, however a man with no family would not feel this way. This man might feel that his greatest priority would be taking care of himself. This can also be tied in with age. A younger person might feel that his of her greatest priority is to their friends, but an older person might feel that their most important overall priority is to their children. Whatever a persons priorities may be it is true that many different Americans have many different priorities. Finally, the way a person decides to physically present themselves to others is a major descriptor of an American. Although some Americans care not what others think of their physical appearence, many on the other hand do. A certain high school girl might find pleasure in working an entire

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How to Write a Reflective Account Essay

This is only guidance on what you need to include in your reflective account to provide evidence for the units you are doing, you will need to look at the units you are doing and be guided by the Assessment Criteria Ensure that when writing your account write reflectively, using â€Å"I† statements, i.e I recorded in the clients daily notes, not it was recorded. You need to ensure you are writing what YOU did, HOW you did it and WHY you did it the way you did. A brief history of the candidate, what you have changed the name to, and a brief description of your role in supporting the client, how did you find and: How you found out about the clients’ needs, wishes and preferences regarding communication and language, religion, personal care and any other activities you are responsible for How did you confirm with the client this was preferred language and communication method? How did you find out about any risks to the client, and your role in protecting them. How did you record and share information about the clients communication needs? How did you build your relationship with the client? How did you ensure that you valued the client as an individual, with respect for their dignity and privacy and respect the client’s culture, valves and diversity. How you carried out your work i.e personal care, and why you did it the way  you did, how you found out what support the client wanted from you. Did you support the client to use the toilet, with bathing, dressing and grooming, eating and drinking etc, how did you do this, what H&S precautions did you take and why. How did you encourage the client to identify what they can do for themselves and what they needed assistance with and who they needed the assistance from? Were there any changes in the client’s needs, circumstances etc, what did you do about these. How you ensured that the environment was sage and that you adhered to H&S procedures i.e when moving and handling, dealing with contaminated waste, storing equipment and hazardous materials etc. did you carry out H&S checks. What H&S issues did you identify during your work, how did you manage these, how were they reported and recorded. How you encouraged independence How did you protect the client and yourself from the risk of infection? How you talked to the client, encourage the client to talk about their daily life etc, what methods of communicating did you use, how did you ensure good eye contact during communicating with the client. How did you ensure that the client understood you and you understood them? How did you respond to any questions or concerns the client had, did you listen appropriately, did you need to seek advice about the clients or key peoples question or concerns where did you seek this from. Did you identify any discrimination, what did you do about this? How did you ensure that the client had the information about how to make a  comment or complaint. How did you obtain feedback from clients and key people on how you were working with them, and from your colleagues and supervisors. How did you identify any new knowledge or skills that might help you with training was identified, a after attending training, how did you use the new skills and knowledge, and was this of any benefit to you in your work. How did you review what you had learnt and how this new knowledge and skills have been useful? Did you observe any sign or symptoms of harm or abuse, what you did about this, how you reported and recorded this etc. Did you have to manage an accident or emergency, how did you do this how did you support the client and others involved, how and where did you record the incident

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Symbols in the Tell-Tale Heart

01121133 A Professor: Introduction to English Literature and American Literature, Tue 78 Paper1: The Tell-Tale Heart Oct, 23, 2012 The Symbol in â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† According to the Norton Introduction to Literature, the definition of symbol is that† A symbol in a work of literature compares or puts together two things that are in some ways dissimilar. A symbol in literature usually carries richer and various meanings, as does a flag or religious image. And because of its significance, a symbol usually appears or is hinted at numerous times throughout the work† (Booth 209).Thus, symbols are used in literature to represent something more than the literal aspect itself. They can come in the form of phrases, colors, objects or events. Through this, the writer can effectively suggest unsaid ideas and meanings to the audience. The use of symbolism serves as clues by the author, to infer something more or a deeper meaning. Therefore, this essay is going to anal yze this story by interpret symbols appeared in the story â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart. † In the story, the narrator claims that he is not mad, but his behavior, thought and words tell a different story.The narrator is determined to kill the old man in the story, not because jealously or animosity but because â€Å"one of his eyes resembled that of a vulture- a pale blue eye, with a film over it† (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart). The narrator put the subjective feeling on the eye; the narrator said the old man’s eye is an â€Å"Evil Eye† (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart). An eye is covered by a veil or film; it symbolically means that the narrator has issue with the â€Å"inner vision†-what is commonly known as one’s outlook on the world. So our reading of the story is through the eye which is defined by the narrator.Then, when we read the story, we will be leaded by the narrator’ subjective feeling through what the narrator call an† Evil Eyeâ €  (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart). So, one of the old man’s eyes symbolizes the narrator’s world of the heart. According to The Tell Tale Heart, â€Å"I undid the lantern cautiously-oh, so cautiously — cautiously (for the hinges creaked) –I undid it just so much that a single thin ray fell upon the vulture eye. † We could know that the lantern in the story can be adjusted to as much or as little as you want, and the narrator keeps most of light hidden; only allowing one ray to escape.The narrator said,† I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye† (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart). The narrator wants to kill the old man because of that eye, so the narrator could only kill the old man when the old man’s eye wide-opened; however, we could know if the old man opens his eye, he will know that the narrator is going to kill him. And, in the story, the narrato r keeps emphasizing that what the behaviors are done is so cautious and that the old man won’t find it. So, the ray from the lantern symbolizes the contradiction in the narrator’s heart.The bedroom is the place where we usually feel safe; most of the time, when we are on the bed, we are usually vulnerable because of a lack of sense of crisis. However, Poe write the bedroom as a dangerous place where might even be killed. It is defined as a burial. The biggest symbol in the story is all the contradictions which symbolize the narrator who is insane. We can see lots of contradiction in this story. First, â€Å"It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed† (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart).It is really strange to spend an hour placing one’s head within the door. Second, â€Å"I undid the lantern cautiously-oh, so cautiously — cautiously (for the hinges creaked) –I undid it just so much that a single thin ray fell upon the vulture eye. And this I did for seven long nights –every night just at midnight –but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye† (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart). There are two contradict points in above sentence.One is that everyone should have a consciousness if there is â€Å"a single thin ray† fell upon our eyes; much less, the old man have been done like this lasting for eight days. The other one is that the narrator says that killing the old man only happens when that the old man’s vulture-blue eye is open. But if the old man opens his eye, he will know the narrator is going to kill him, also, when someone knows that you are going to be killed, you may scream or make some big noises or even some body reactions. In this way, this event may be found by others.According to the story, this kind of condition is not a result that th e narrator wants. So we can know these things are contradict. Third,† And the old man sprang up in bed, crying out –â€Å"Who's there? † I kept quite still and said nothing. For a whole hour I did not move a muscle, and in the meantime I did not hear him lie down. He was still sitting up in the bed listening† (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart). Generally speaking, after we say â€Å"who’s there? † we usually go check out what happens or keep sleeping if no one answer us. We won’t sit up in the bed listening for a whole hour.Fourth, â€Å"I knew that he had been lying awake ever since the first slight noise† (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart), and â€Å"although he neither saw nor heard† (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart). One says the old man heard something, the other one says he didn’t hear or see anything. These two sentences conflict to each other. Fifth,† the sound would be heard by a neighbor† (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart), and â€Å"it would not be heard through the wall† (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart). If the sound would be heard by a neighbor, it would be heard by a neighbor.If the sound would not be heard through the war, it would not be heard by a neighbor. So, we could know these two sentences conflict to each other. Sixth, â€Å"There was nothing to wash out –no stain of any kind –no blood-spot whatever† (Poe, The Tell Tale Heart). The narrator cut off the old man’s head, legs and arms. It is impossible that no blood is on the floor. To sum up, according those contradictions, we could suspect reasonably that the narrator is insane and the narrator doesn’t kill the old man, this whole story is imagined by the narrator.In conclusion, after reading The Tell-Tale Heart, we can know that this story is not only a horrible story, it also teach us every story might have some significant meanings behind them. Reading is not only to understand the meanings on the surf ace but also to think deeply and train our ability of analyzing mentally. We should not be afraid of those symbols, and we shouldn’t be frustrated by those symbols; we should try our best to think about what the writers try to tell us truly. Works Cited Booth, Alison and Kelly J. Mays, eds. The Norton Introduction to Literature. 10th ed. New York: Norton, 2010. Edgar Allan Poe, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Why You Should Use JavaScript on Your Site

Why You Should Use JavaScript on Your Site Not everyone has JavaScript available in their web browser and a number of those who are using browsers where it is available have it turned off. It is therefore necessary that your web page be able to function properly for those people without using any JavaScript at all. Why then would you want to add JavaScript to a web page that already works without it? Reasons Why You May Want to Use JavaScript There are several reasons for why you may want to use JavaScript on your web page even though the page is usable without the JavaScript. Most of the reasons relate to providing a friendlier experience for those of your visitors who do have JavaScript enabled. Here are a few examples of proper use of JavaScript to improve your visitors experience. JavaScript Is Great for Forms Where you have forms on your web page that your visitor needs to fill out that form content will need to be validated before it can be processed. You will, of course, have server-side validation that validates the form after it is submitted and which reloads the form highlighting the errors if anything invalid has been entered or mandatory fields are missing. That requires a round trip to the server when the form is submitted to perform the validation and report the errors. We can speed up that process significantly by duplicating that validation using JavaScript and by attaching much of the JavaScript validation to the individual fields. That way the person filling out the form who has JavaScript enabled has immediate feedback if what they enter into a field is invalid instead of their filling out the whole form and submitting it and then having to wait for the next page to load to give them feedback. The form works both with and without JavaScript and provides more immediate feedba ck when it can. A Slideshow A slideshow consists of a number of images. In order for the slideshow to function without JavaScript the next and previous buttons that work the slideshow need to reload the entire web page substituting the new image. This will work but will be slow, particularly if the slideshow is only one small part of the page. We can use JavaScript to load and replace the images in the slideshow without needing to reload the rest of the web page and so make the slideshow operation much faster for those of our visitors with JavaScript enabled. A Suckerfish Menu A suckerfish menu can operate entirely without JavaScript (except in IE6). The menus will open when the mouse hovers over them and close when the mouse is removed. Such opening and closing will be instant with the menu just appearing and disappearing. By adding some JavaScript we can have the menu appear to scroll out when the mouse moves over it and scroll back in when the mouse moves off of it giving a nicer appearance to the menu without affecting the way the menu works. JavaScript Enhances Your Web page In all appropriate uses of JavaScript, the purpose of the JavaScript is to enhance the way the web page works and to provide those of your visitors who have JavaScript enabled with a friendlier site than is possible without the JavaScript. By using JavaScript in an appropriate way you encourage those who have a choice as to whether they will allow the JavaScript to run or not to actually have it turned on for your site. Remember that a number of those who do have a choice and who have chosen to turn JavaScript off have done so due to the way in which some sites completely misuse javaScript so as to make their visitors experience of their site worse rather than better. Dont you be one of those using JavaScript inappropriately and therefore encouraging people to turn off JavaScript.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How Can Meditation Help You Boost Your Career

How Can Meditation Help You Boost Your Career There are a lot of benefits to meditation. It can help reduce stress and anxiety. It can put your mind into a state of relaxation and serenity. It’s also good way to start or end your day. But how can meditation help you boost your career? What are the professional benefits of meditation and how can it help you achieve professional goals and milestones? Take a look at this infographic by Crystal Heart Physics  for more information on how meditation can help you boost  your productivity and achieve your goals.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

An Enemy of the People

Contemporary social universal issues are reflected in common themes that are evident in extensively appreciated texts. Written by Henrik Ibsen, An Enemy of the People is a prominent example of a text that incorporates universal topics which are those of integrity and environmental damage. Similarly, the film Erin Brockovich, directed by Steven Soderbergh, reflects these themes. Due to the variant mediums the techniques used to portray these themes to the audience are vastly different. Integrity is essential if corrupt forces in society are to be constrained or abolished. In An Enemy of the People, the protagonist, Dr. Stockmann, sacrifices everything for his moral beliefs to assist in eliminating the corruption: Id rather see it ruined than prospering on a lie! This emotive language reinforces that he values honesty, and would rather suffer financial hardships than dishonestly gain from a hazardous industry like the baths. The Doctors fierce dedication stands out in contrast to many of the plays secondary characters who seem to compromise their supposed beliefs: I should be slow to accuse the mayor because hes your bother. But I know you think as I do – the truth should come first The high modality language emphasises that Hovstad is manipulative and duplicitous as he accuses the mayor of lying to start with, but ultimately supports him, a result of his lack of integrity. Moreover, the play exemplifies the consequences that are sometimes presented to those who have a strong sense of integrity. Dr Stockmann strives diligently to expose the sordid condition of the baths so that people do not fall ill. Eventually, however, Peters machinations turn the public against him. Emotive language is used to portray the publics hatred towards the doctor: Hes an enemy! He hates us, thats what he does! Shame! Boo! Enemy of the people! The irony of this play is that the good person, Dr. Stockmann, is the one labelled as the enemy of the people. The play reveals itself as a sharp examination of the terrible price that society often demands of an individual who stays true to his or her principles. Erin Brockovich reflects the same issue of needing integrity to eradicate social ills. The protagonist, Erin Brockovich, acts in a manner motivated by morals. Fighting to sustain her life with her three children as a single parent, she is concurrently fighting for the rights of people who cannot fight for themselves. Her boss, Ed Masry, initially lacks integrity to take the case on. Brockovich, who is in rage at his moral deficiency screams at him: I don’t know shit about shit! But I sure do know the difference between right and wrong! The strong colloquial language and high modality of this statement highlights the fact that ethics do not have to rely on formal education. Furthermore, through the close up shot of Masrys stunned face the audience sees that an appeal to a persons conscience can sway a persons decisions. Consequently, Masry supports Brockovich and they ultimately win the case. This demonstrates that the virtue of integrity can lead to overcoming corruption within society. An Enemy of the People reflects Erin Brockovich in that integrity is still vital for an ethical society as both their protagonists stood up for what they believed in. Stockmann was still maintaining his stand against the solid majority and the socially corrupt institutions they support. However, Brockovich, according to the films epilogue, continued to pursue other social injustice. Hence, both texts reveal that upholding integrity is imperative. Damage to the environment can lead to grave social problems within society. In An Enemy of the People, the contamination of the environment is not only the vehicle for the plays plot but also the catalyst for the conflict that is palpable during the play. Peter Stockmann is primarily motivated by greed and power, whereas, his brother, Dr. Stockmann has passionate ethical beliefs. When the doctor tells his brother about the polluted baths and that they must be fixed Peter is deeply concerned about financial loss: We should probably have to abandon the whole thing, which has cost us so much money – and then you would have ruined your native town. The emotive language used here reinforces that in Peters unethical perspective the town and its visitors health is secondary to the fact to what the town will endure economically. The circumstances of the play highlight how money the key motivation in society and demonstrates the on-going social dilemma about balancing the needs of a community with the needs of the environment, if this balance is out the effect s on society will be detrimental. Erin Brockovich also reflects the universal theme of environmental pollution. In Erin Brockovich the reason for the environmental damage is corporate greed. The multi-billion dollar company Pacific Gas and Electric, is portrayed as socially corrupt, because they did not enact policies to keep the water contaminate free, and therefore compromised the future of Hinkley. The companys deceit about the effects of chromium in the water is revealed in dialogue: So you say this hexavalent chromium Well, its poisonous? Well, its just gotta be different than whats in our water, cause ours is okay. The guys from PGE told me; I mean they sat in my kitchen and told me. They said it was fine. This underlines the companys stance, that the suffering of the environment and society is secondary to making money. The scene in which Brockovich is collecting evidence juxtaposes the close up shot of the small dead frog with a long shot of the huge power plant nearby, to raise audience awareness of the enormity of the deleterious effect of unethical behaviour. Furthermore it encapsulates the necessity of each individual opposing such behaviour. In conclusion, An Enemy of the People depicts universal themes which are relevant to contemporary society today these themes are reflected in Erin Brockovich. Both texts illustrate to the audience how integrity is an imperative element when eradicating corruption and that a tarnished environment can have an injurious effect on society.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Man with the Golden Arm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Man with the Golden Arm - Essay Example .. Mr. Algren, boy, you are good" ("Review Quote": np). After reading this novel, I am compelled to agree. This novel is at times strange, at times very dark, and always engaging and very interesting. People the world over all know Chicago by reputation, and yet the version of this famous city offered up by Nelson Algren is grittier and edgier than the versions offered up by tourist brochures or television sitcoms. The characters are also intriguing and engaging. There is an almost simultaneous sense of disgust and admiration as we experience how these characters aspire and strive in uncertain and distasteful circumstances. The atmosphere which he creates deepens rather than minimizes the reading pleasure. The novel's world is both plausible and foreign; more particularly, it is an atmosphere which we can imagine existing, but which also seems to be an atmosphere that we will never actually step into personally. There is a certain feeling of safety in this distance, which Nelson Algren provides through the medium of the novel. Finally, i t is also important to note that Nelson Algren chooses and uses his words, both narrative and dialogue, meaningfully and succinctly. He does not bore the reader with tangential information. He does not deaden the plot with unnecessary details. Every word conveys meaning. The result is a novel which is extraordinarily difficult to put down, and even more difficult to forget once the final page is read. This is a book which under normal circumstances I would probably never have read. This book report will explain why I am so happy that I have now read the novel. As an initial matter, this is the story of a Chicago drug addict. This character, Frankie the Machine Makjinek, works as a card dealer at illegal poker games. The golden arm reference is to his steady, card-dealing arm. Frankie has just returned to his old neighborhood in Chicago, from jail and a temporarily successful attempt at detoxification, and he works as a card dealer while he tries to turn his life around. He wants to beat his morphine addiction, and he also wants to stay out of trouble and out of jail. The story revolves around his attempts to straighten out his life while simultaneously existing alongside other drug addicts, attempting to pacify a dominant wife, and striving to beat his own former addiction to morphine. In many ways, this is a similar type of story. A person has made a mistake, the mistake has had negative consequences, and the person wants to pursue a better and a more productive life. There are thousands and thousands of stories premised in the same fundamental fashion. What is different about The Man with the Golden Arm, however, is the way in which the story is presented. There is a tremendous depth in the characters. There is a very particularized depth in the setting. More significantly, Nelson Algren presents this quest by the main protagonist as an almost impossible quest. There is an almost mocking tone extended to notions that human beings are civilized or otherwise capable of suppressing deep-seated urges and instinctive desires. Nelson Algren seems alm ost a cynic and a realist at the same time. He feels sympathy rather than pity for his main protagonist. In this way, the reader is compelled, at times, to question whether Frankie the Machi

Zappos Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Zappos - Term Paper Example During the period of past 9 years, the brand has greatly evolved to new heights. The objective of the company is essentially to provide the customers’ with best services online not only shoes as the product but also in other categories. The vision of the company reflects that out of total sales, 30 percent of retails trade will be made through online. Furthermore, the company’s vision also replicates that best services will be offered to the end customers’. The company deals in the sales of clothing and shoes through online. Its primary revenue is gained from the sales of shoes that contribute around 80 percent of the entire business. On analyzing the company background, it can be observed that Zappos is sells around 50,000 varieties of shoes within the market. The company believes in the ‘loyalty business model’ along with ‘relationship marketing’. The vital reason behind the acceleration of the company’s growth can be considered as its repeat customers. Moreover, the company has not invested much in the advertising aspect; in-fact the word-of mouth has ensured extensive growth and development. It is also famous for its reputation pertaining to customer service. For example, every new employee being hired within the corporate office requires a vigorous training of weeks on customer loyalty. This training is the initial phase and compulsory for all the employees before they enter into the actual workplace (Zappos, 2013). Four Problems Being Faced By Zappos Every organization in the present business environment faces an assortment of challenges. It has been recognized that an organization trading through online website faces certain viable challenges as compared to traditional ‘Brick-and-Mortar’ organizations. The persistent risk of online organization is hacking of the information. Zappos being an online company also faced the problem of hacking. It has been ascertained from a news report that t he hackers got hold of around 24 million of customers’ personal information. This has created an immense problem for the company. In relation to hacking, the customers’ of the company have filed a suit against it. The management of Zappos wanted the matter to get into settlement pertaining to the terms of service. However, the court overruled the petition and the company was asked to present in the court for trial session (Thomas, 2012). Another major problem faced by the company that it needs to overcome is recognized to be the traditional one way thinking. According to the company CEO Tony Hsieh, the organizational culture tops the priority list than customer service. For any organization to sustain, both the aforementioned requirements are necessary. Only focusing on effective organizational culture without rendering proper customer service might lead to adverse intricacies. Organizational culture and customer satisfaction facilitate to establish a concurrent relati onship (Edwards, 2012). In keeping with Zappos, another problem relates with ordering shipment. It has been recognized that the intense security check of Zappos also creates numerous problems for the customers pertaining to shipment. Problem pertaining to the order shipment has significantly affected the customer base of the company. The hurdle in the continuous and steady flow of cash within the company is another problem that has taken place within the problems’ purview. Technologies being applied within the company are not that effective in tracking the customers’ security alert and receive instant cash against the services being paid (Hsieh, 2010). Action Plan for Zappos In order to mitigate the problems being faced by the comp

Impact of External Environment on Apple Operations Essay

Impact of External Environment on Apple Operations - Essay Example On the other hand, the company internal factors that arise from external effects include strong brand name, diversified product portfolio, strong management team and mergers. To remain competitive and address the weaknesses of the poor relationship with the major competitor, it is imperative for the company to form more mergers with a large company such as Dell. In the same way, the company should utilize the available market opportunities by advertising its products through social sites such as facebook and twitter. This is in addition to establishing more sales outlets in the developing countries. One of the vital strategies that firms adapt to face off stiff competition in the contemporary business arena is the use of well-designed marketing plan that takes into consideration the effects of external environment on the operations of a firm. One of the companies that have attained a competitive advantage due to its effective marketing strategies is Apple Incorporation. Apple Inc. is an international company that deals with marketing and designing of computers hardware and software as well as household electronics products. Earlier on, the company was referred to as Apple computer incorporation (Adam, 2012). Apple Inc. which is headquartered in the US is well known for the quality and high-tech brands that have revolutionized communication. This marketing audit analyzes the impact of external environment on Apple operations by reflecting the current market situation of the company.The company is focused on becoming the market leader in the electronic and technology industry glob ally. According to the former chief executive officer, Mr. Steve Jobs, computers provided by Apple should be on every desk in the next 8 years. Apple Company will persist in offering innovative and revolutionized brands to its customer to meet their short term and long term demands.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Strategic issues in banking and insurance Essay

Strategic issues in banking and insurance - Essay Example In developed world where most of the sector is de-regulated and enjoy substantial degree of freedom and autonomy, political influences may not be there however, in developing countries, this may not be the case. Developing countries do not have very well grown financial sector and most of the institutions are either directly owned or controlled by the government themselves or governments have the substantial share in them. This allows the government to largely influence the banks especially to engage into practices which may not be in direct interest of the deposit holders of those banks. The era after 9/11 have seen a new shift into the industry in terms of influence of political forces on it. The anti-money laundering rules, terrorist funding etc were some of the key strategic issues which put extra pressures on the banks and insurance companies to devise methods and strategies which can effectively help in tackling issues like illegal money laundering, channeling of funds through SWIFT etc to the supposedly terrorist organizations etc. The current economic trends especially the crisis emerged due to the subprime mortgages is considered now as one of the great strategic challenge faced by most of the players in the financial sector industry. Subprime mortgages are considered as the threat which has largely been created by the banks themselves as they tend to violate their own prudent lending policies in order to capture the market. This has therefore provided them an opportunity to earn at the cost of incurring high cost. â€Å"Sub-Prime lending typically has been characterized as lending at relatively costly interest rates and fees to credit impaired or otherwise high risk borrowers.† (Lax, Manti and Raca). Subprime loans are among the newly popular mortgage products, such as interest-only loans, for people with strained budgets, including first-time buyers. Homeowners increasingly use them to refinance and consolidate household debts

Analyse the Ofsted report in light of what you have observed to be Essay

Analyse the Ofsted report in light of what you have observed to be current practice in your school - Essay Example in both GCE and GCSE, challenges faced in the implementation of the project and the recommendations made to the national curriculum developers as well as the individual schools. Key to note is that pupils refer to years 1- 6 while students refer to people in secondary schools. A case study of 167 secondary, primary and special schools has been adopted for this Ofsted report in a span of 3 years in 2008 to 2011. Also the use of computing instruction files is both a specialty and across the wider school curriculum. The report reflects issues arising from the application of ICT in schools namely: curriculum and qualifications of Key Stage 4 and 6, staff professionalism where ICT is concerned, e- safety, application of virtual learning environments, resource availability and getting best value of the ICT application (Taylor 2001). Among the schools highlighted ICT was better adopted in primary schools as compared to their secondary counterparts with two thirds of the primary schools showing outstanding progress compared to one third of the secondary schools (Mohanty 2006). Other challenges are that few students advancing to secondary school had the basic ICT knowledge to engage in ICT business later, inadequate or complete lack of ICT infrastructure such as c omputer, laptops and teachers tired with the workload of students. Schools adopting ICT were seen to have a comparative advantage over their counterparts which do not among the Key Level 4 and 6 pupils considered, it was evident that it increased their creativity levels with some embracing and arranging music using computers through the virtual learning environment (Mohanty 2006). Slow learners were seen to get fluent with use of computers almost as fast as the fast learners. Children with autism and Down’s syndrome responded dramatically well to ICT application files where the respective schools made specific modifications on the program to handle their learning experience (Meadows 2000). A positive response

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Impact of External Environment on Apple Operations Essay

Impact of External Environment on Apple Operations - Essay Example On the other hand, the company internal factors that arise from external effects include strong brand name, diversified product portfolio, strong management team and mergers. To remain competitive and address the weaknesses of the poor relationship with the major competitor, it is imperative for the company to form more mergers with a large company such as Dell. In the same way, the company should utilize the available market opportunities by advertising its products through social sites such as facebook and twitter. This is in addition to establishing more sales outlets in the developing countries. One of the vital strategies that firms adapt to face off stiff competition in the contemporary business arena is the use of well-designed marketing plan that takes into consideration the effects of external environment on the operations of a firm. One of the companies that have attained a competitive advantage due to its effective marketing strategies is Apple Incorporation. Apple Inc. is an international company that deals with marketing and designing of computers hardware and software as well as household electronics products. Earlier on, the company was referred to as Apple computer incorporation (Adam, 2012). Apple Inc. which is headquartered in the US is well known for the quality and high-tech brands that have revolutionized communication. This marketing audit analyzes the impact of external environment on Apple operations by reflecting the current market situation of the company.The company is focused on becoming the market leader in the electronic and technology industry glob ally. According to the former chief executive officer, Mr. Steve Jobs, computers provided by Apple should be on every desk in the next 8 years. Apple Company will persist in offering innovative and revolutionized brands to its customer to meet their short term and long term demands.  

Analyse the Ofsted report in light of what you have observed to be Essay

Analyse the Ofsted report in light of what you have observed to be current practice in your school - Essay Example in both GCE and GCSE, challenges faced in the implementation of the project and the recommendations made to the national curriculum developers as well as the individual schools. Key to note is that pupils refer to years 1- 6 while students refer to people in secondary schools. A case study of 167 secondary, primary and special schools has been adopted for this Ofsted report in a span of 3 years in 2008 to 2011. Also the use of computing instruction files is both a specialty and across the wider school curriculum. The report reflects issues arising from the application of ICT in schools namely: curriculum and qualifications of Key Stage 4 and 6, staff professionalism where ICT is concerned, e- safety, application of virtual learning environments, resource availability and getting best value of the ICT application (Taylor 2001). Among the schools highlighted ICT was better adopted in primary schools as compared to their secondary counterparts with two thirds of the primary schools showing outstanding progress compared to one third of the secondary schools (Mohanty 2006). Other challenges are that few students advancing to secondary school had the basic ICT knowledge to engage in ICT business later, inadequate or complete lack of ICT infrastructure such as c omputer, laptops and teachers tired with the workload of students. Schools adopting ICT were seen to have a comparative advantage over their counterparts which do not among the Key Level 4 and 6 pupils considered, it was evident that it increased their creativity levels with some embracing and arranging music using computers through the virtual learning environment (Mohanty 2006). Slow learners were seen to get fluent with use of computers almost as fast as the fast learners. Children with autism and Down’s syndrome responded dramatically well to ICT application files where the respective schools made specific modifications on the program to handle their learning experience (Meadows 2000). A positive response

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Procurement Ethics Practices Essay Example for Free

Procurement Ethics Practices Essay All persons in society, whether in private or public sector, product or services industry are concerned with ethics, Ethics is defined as the discipline dealing with what is good or bad and moral duty and obligation. Thus personal ethics has been referred to as the rules by which an individual lives his/her personal life. Business ethics is concerned with truth, fairness and justice and accounting ethics pertains to the code that guides the professional conduct of aspects such as the expectation of society and customers, social responsibility, consumer autonomy and corporate behavior in the home country as well as abroad (koontz et al 1994) Business ethics has become a well recognized aspect of managing firms today . Due to an increasing interest of ,many are nowadays concerned about values like integrity and honesty and developing ethical codes to foster responsible behavior of their employees. Ethically therefore, managers must produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people in these days of pervasive globalization of business. Manager should recognize that customers and all other stakeholders of their companies have aright to quality products and services, to meet their existing and emerging needs, at affordable prices, all times, and should be guided by fairness and equity, as well as imparity. Managers must institutionalize ethics in their decisions and daily activities thus applying integrity and integrating ethical concepts with daily actions. This can be achieved by: Establishing an appropriate company policy or code of ethics, so as to institutionalize ethics, sin organizational behavior both at management and board of director’s level, using a formally established ethics committee, teaching ethics to employees. It has been established that ethical standard vary from society to society and from country to country and should therefore be taught to ensure uniformity in understanding and applicability across the world, particularly in these days of increasing and pervasive globalization. In procurement office or department the following ethics should be followed for better running of the organization. All officers who are in charge must follow some ethics for good purchasing and supplying, this will include: Honesty: People who procure on behalf of organizations cannot afford to give anyone cause to believe that their procurement behavior is not completely ethical. Spending millions of shillings for their organizations, they are exposed to temptations that most of their colleagues face. Therefore, they have to be honest when procuring goods on behalf of the organization. Enhancing Integrity :Procurement officials should never use their authority or office for personal gain and shall seek to enhance their integrity by: maintaining unimpeachable standards of integrity in all business relationship both inside and outside the organizations in which they are employee, fostering the highest possible standards of professional competence amongst those for whom they are responsible, optimizing the use of resources for which they are responsible to provide the maximum benefit to their employing organization. Conflicts of Interest: When dealing with suppliers potential conflicts of interest can sometimes arise. Instances where relatives or friends are employed by the supplier company should be notified to the Service Unit Manager. This will not prevent the Council trading with the supplier though the Council may arrange for the procurement to be handled by another officer. In instances where Members or former employees are potential suppliers it is important that they do not receive or expect to receive special consideration. If their inside knowledge appears to give them an unfair competitive advantage it may be desirable to take steps to ensure fair competition amongst all suppliers. Rewards to employees: Members and officers should avoid as far as possible dealing with our suppliers in their private affairs, particularly if this is likely to put them under some obligation to the supplier. Where such arrangements are unavoidable it is essential that they ensure that they are not offered any sort of deal which is not commonly available and which could be construed as a reward for actions taken in the course of the employment. Principles of Professional : Seeks or accepts a position as head or employee only when fully in accord with the professional principles applicable thereto, and when confident of possessing the qualifications to serve under those principles to the advantage of the employing organization, believes in the dignity and worth of the services rendered by the organization and the societal responsibilities assumed as a trusted public servant, so that organization is governed by the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order to merit the respect and inspire the confidence of the organization and the public being served. Confidentiality and Accuracy of Information: The confidentiality of information received in the course of duty should be respected and should never be used for personal gain; information given in the course of duty should be true and fair and never designed to mislead hence making personal profit obtained through misuse of public or personal relationships is dishonest and not tolerable. Business gifts: Business gifts, other than items of very small value such as business diaries, calendars, should not be accepted, members of the staff should at no time or under any circumstances accept directly or indirectly, gifts, gratuities, or other things of value from suppliers which might influence or appear to influence purchasing decisions. Hospitality: Modest hospitality is an acceptable courtesy at a business relationship. However, the recipient shall not allow himself to reach a position whereby he might be deemed by others to have been influenced, in making a business decision as a consequence of accepting such hospitality. The frequency and scale of hospitality accepted shall not be significantly greater than the recipients employer would be likely to provide in return. Proper communication: Keeps the governmental organization informed, through appropriate channels, on problems and progress of applicable operations by emphasizing the importance of the facts. In case of any information which is unclear so be discussed with relevant officer without making uninformed decisions which may cost the organization. Proper control of personnel: Resists encroachment on control of personnel in order to preserve integrity as a professional manager, handles all personnel matters on a merit basis. Politics, religion, ethnicity, gender, and age carry no weight in personnel administration in the agency being directed or served. Disciplinary Action: Seeks or dispenses no personal favors, handles each administrative problem objectively and emphatically without discrimination. Any mistake committed should be dealt with without favor and the correct measure should be applied. Purchasing and supply procedure: Officers shall always seek to uphold and enhance the standing of the Purchasing and Supply profession and will always act professionally and selflessly by: maintaining the highest possible standard of integrity in all their business relationships both inside and outside the organizations where they work, rejecting any business practice which might reasonably be deemed improper and never using their authority for personal gain, enhancing the proficiency and stature of the profession by acquiring and maintaining current technical knowledge and the highest standards of ethical behavior; fostering the highest possible standards of professional competence amongst those for whom they are responsible. Competition The nature and length of contracts and business relationships with suppliers can vary according to circumstances. These should always be constructed to ensure deliverables and benefits. Arrangements which might in the long term prevent the effective operation of fair competition should be avoided. Conclusion Managerial and appropriate ethical behavior is central to the success and effectiveness of organization anywhere in the world today. Business are so interconnected ,in terms of products and information flows, that ethical behavior in one country or in one part of the globe has an immediate impact in other countries or parts of the globe. Consequently, attempts should be made by governments and business leaders to incorporate standard management practices in their operations to enhance the efficiency of these flows. Ethical standards and codes are in this process because of the globalization of e- world business today. There is an urgent need to develop and adopt international ethical standard and codes to guide and regulate managers, globally, in running their organization effectively. These codes should include corporate governance and social responsibility practices. Reference: 1) Codes of Professional Responsibility by Rena A. Gorlin 1149 pg 2) Management Reform by DIANE Publishing Company 539 pg 3) News line KASNEB (July-sep2004) 4) Koontz et al management (1994)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Isolation of Casein from Milk and Powdered Milk

Isolation of Casein from Milk and Powdered Milk 1.1 Introduction (Walsh, 2002) stated that, proteins are biological macromolecules composed of amino acids proteins consist of one or more polypeptide which are the chain of amino acids interconnected by peptide bonds.Alberts et al., (2013) detailed that, amino acids of proteins is either hydrophobic or hydrophilic in nature. Therefore the resulting polypeptide chain shows an amphipathic characteristic. Hydrophilic amino acids exist peripherally in some biological system and they are highly water soluble. Whereas some amino acid does not exist the polar groups to the environment. ‘’The most important factors that influence protein solubility are structure, size, charge and the solvent‘’ (Burgess, and Deutscher, 2009). Also Burgess, and Deutscher (2009) stated that, once the precipitation obtained, the solution can be separated by centrifugation or precipitation. ‘’Protein precipitates are aggregates of protein molecular large enough to be visible and to be collected by centrifugation. The distribution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic residues at the surface of a protein determines its solubility properties‘’. (Rosenburg, 2006). Precipitation is mainly done for concentrate the target protein. And it is attained by adding reagents such as salts (ammonium sulfate) or organic solvents (acetone or ethanol). (Hatti-Kaul and Mattiasson, 2003) 1.1.1 Isolation of casein Milk contains three kinds of proteins: caseins, lactalbumins, and lactoglobulins, all of which are globular proteins. (Spurlock, 2014). Ahluwalia and Dhingra, (2005) stated that, Casein is a combination of phosphoproteins presenting in milk and is existing to the amount of 3% in milk along with 4-5% of lactose and 3-4% of fats and the rest is water. Caseins exist in micelles which are composed of sub micelles linked by the characteristic of hydrocolloid which are freely suspended in the aqueous phase of milk. (Tarte, 2009). Casein can be electrophoretically fractioned into four major components: alpha-, beta-, gamma-and kappa- casein. Casein develops precipitation from milk at pH 4.6, which has a negative charge when compare to the pH of the milk. Therefor it can be precipitate as salt by adding acids. (Miller, Jarvis and McBean, 2006). 1.2 Objectives To learn the methods of protein precipitation and to relate the solubility of protein with its structure. To learn the methods of isolation of casein from milk and to determine the percentage of casein presented in the (powdered) milk. 1.3 Materials Test tubes Beakers Pipette Clamp Filtering paper Electronic balance Watch glass Bunsen burner Albumin sample Ammonium sulfate Sodium hydroxide Copper sulfate Ethanol Picric acid Lead nitrate Powdered milk Warm water 1.4 Methodology 1.4.1 Precipitation by salts Albumin, 3.00ml was taken into a test tube, ammonium sulfate was added to it and was mixed until the solution gets saturated. The solution was allowed to stand for about 5 minutes and filtered by using filter paper. The biuret test was done to the filtered solution. 3.00 ml of filtered solution was taken into another test tube and same amount of NaOH was added to it, CuSO4 was added drop by drop. 1.4.2 Precipitation by organic solvents Albumin, 1.00 ml was taken into a test tube using a pipette. And 4.00 ml of ethanol was added .the solution was mixed well and was allowed to stand. 1.4.3 Precipitation by acidic agents Picric acid solution, 1.00 ml was added into 1.00ml of albumin solution. 1.4.4 Precipitation by heavy metal ions Lead nitrate, 8 drops were added into 1.00 ml of albumin. 1.4.5 Precipitation by heat and acid Albumin, 10 ml was taken into a test tube and the upper part of the solution was held over the Bunsen flame. After the observation few drops of 1% acetic acid were added. 1.4.6 Isolation of casein Powdered milk (non-fat), 17.5 g was weighed by using electronic balance and was dissolved by adding 62.5 ml of warm water in a 200ml beaker. Acetic acid (10%) was added in a drop wise manner with stirring until the liquid changes in to clear solution. the obtained solution was filtered by using clamp, filtering material and beaker. The yield casein was allowed to dry and was weighed using electronic balance. Biuret test was done for the filtered solution. 3.00 ml of filtered solution was taken into another test tube and same amount of NaOH was added to it, CuSO4 was added drop by drop. 1.5 Results Test Observation Interference Precipitation by metal ions White color precipitation Proteins can be precipitated by metal ions(positive for proteins) Precipitation by heat and acid Initially cloudy white precipitation was observed on the upper part of the solution and by adding acetic acid white color precipitation was observed. Proteins can be precipitate by heat and acid(positive for proteins) Precipitation by organic solvents White color precipitation was observed Proteins can be precipitate by organic solvents(positive for proteins) Precipitation by acidic agent White color precipitation was observed Proteins can be precipitate by acidic agents. (positive for proteins) Precipitation of salts Biuret test White color precipitation was observed. Purple color ring was observed Proteins can be precipitate by salts. Positive for proteins. Isolation of casein Biuret test for filtration Casein 13.01g was weighed Purple color ring was formed in filtered casein solution Yield %= Ãâ€" 100 = Ãâ€" 100 = 74.30% Positive for proteins. 1.6 Discussions Precipitation of protein can be obtained by isoelectric precipitation method. ‘’isoelectric precipitation is the most widely used method’ (Fox and McSweeney, 2003). Proteins can be precipitated by bringing their pH to its isoelectric point in which protein solubility is very low. (Shankara, 2008) Proteins can be precipitate by salts in two ways, half saturation with ammonium sulfate and full saturation with ammonium sulfate. Rashmi, (2002) stated that, different proteins show different precipitation reaction towards diverse agents. The full saturation with ammonium sulfate was done in the laboratory. Also the filtrate was tested by biuret reagent, resulted purple color. ‘Compounds with two or more peptide bonds give a violet color with alkaline copper sulfate’ (Rashmi, 2002) Proteins are strong in solution when they are enclosed by entirely hydrogen-bonded water molecules, as water molecules with additional hydrogen bonding ability have greater entropy and are more aggressive. (Chaplin, 2014) hydrated sphere decrease the non -polarity. Higher the diameter of the sphere higher the solubility. For an example, it is easy to precipitate globulin from proteins by adding salts, than albumin because globulin has small diameter of hydrated sphere when compare to albumin. The similar concept is used in precipitating proteins by organic solvents and acidic agents. Organic solvents remove the hydrated sphere and decrease solubility resulting increase precipitation. Acids neutralize the polarity of the hydrated sphere and decrease solubility in order to increase precipitation. Denaturation occur on heating or adding acidic agents to proteins. Therefor its change the polarity of a protein by changing the arrangements of polar and non-polar groups within the molecule. Less polarity decrease the solubility and increases the precipitation. Precipitation by heavy metal ions lead nitrate was used instead of lead acetate or mercuric nitrate. Shankara(2008) stated that, metal ions which are positively charged interrelate with negatively charged groups of the protein producing precipitation as metal-proteinate complex. According to the percentage of yield and from the result of biuret test of the filtrate, there can be some proteins present in the filtrate. Because, the milk contains about 3.5% protein by weight and of the total protein, about 80% is casein and 20% is whey protein. (Miller, Jarvis and McBean, 2006) Filtration of casein can be done in two ways. Such as, gravitational filtration and sucktional filtration. 1.7. Conclusion Proteins were precipitated by using metal ions, heat, organic solvents, acidic agents and salts. The percentage of yield casein of the sample is 74.30%. References Ahluwalia, V. and Dhingra, S. (2005). College Practical Chemistry. [Online] Google Books. Available at: of caseinf=false [Accessed 12 Jul. 2014]. Alberts, B., Bray, D., hopkin, K., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K. and Walter, P. (2013). Essential Cell Biology, Fourth Edition. [Online] Google Books. Available at: and hydrophilic and hydrophobicf=false [Accessed 12 Jul. 2014]. Burgess,, R. and Deutscher, M. (2009). Guide to Protein Purification. [Online] Google Books. Available at: precipitationf=false [Accessed 12 Jul. 2014]. Chaplin, M. (2014). Home | London South Bank University. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jul. 2014]. Fox, P. and McSweeney, P. (2003). Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts AB. [Online] Google Books. Available at: precipitation of proteinf=false [Accessed 12 Jul. 2014]. Hatti-Kaul, R. and Mattiasson, B. (2003). Isolation and Purification of Proteins. [Online] Google Books. Available at: precipitationf=false [Accessed 12 Jul. 2014]. Miller, G., Jarvis, J. and McBean, L. (2006). Handbook of Dairy Foods and Nutrition, Third Edition. [Online] Google Books. Available at: of milkf=false [Accessed 13 Jul. 2014]. Rashmi, J. (2002). A Textbook of Practical Biochemistry. [Online] Google Books. Available at: chemistry lab practicalsf=false [Accessed 12 Jul. 2014]. Rosenburg, (2006). Protein Analysis and Purification. [Online] Google Books. Available at: precipitationf=false [Accessed 12 Jul. 2014]. Shankara, (2008). Practical Biochemistry 2008. [Online] Google Books. Available at: chemistry lab practicalsf=false [Accessed 12 Jul. 2014]. Spurlock, D. (2014). Deborah Spurlocks Chemistry Homepage. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jul. 2014]. Tartà ©, R. (2009). Ingredients in Meat Products. [Online] Google Books. Available at: of milk proteinf=false [Accessed 13 Jul. 2014]. Walsh, G. (2002). Proteins. [Online] Google Books. Available at: [Accessed 12 Jul. 2014].

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Buenos Aries Essays -- essays research papers fc

The capital of the country, Buenos Aires is also Argentina's leading city in population, commerce, and industry. It is located near the Atlantic Ocean coast, on the broad Rà ­o de la Plata, an estuary at the mouth of the Paranà ¡ and Paraguay rivers. The early Spanish colonists named the city for the "good winds" that brought them to the port. Today about 10 million people live in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area, one of the largest in the world. The city proper makes up a federal district, and its mayor is appointed by the nation's president. The city is not a part of Buenos Aires province, which surrounds it. The City--Its People and CommerceGreater Buenos Aires is made up of many settlements that grew together. The oldest European center lay in the neighborhood of the present Plaza de Mayo, a large plaza in the downtown area. Streets in the city were laid out according to a grid pattern described in the Cà ³digo de las Indias, a legal document followed by the Spaniards in settling the Western Hemisphere. The original grid is today surrounded by Balcarce, 25 de Mayo, Viamonte, Libertad, Salta, and Estados Unidos streets. Growth of the city first followed the high elevations, along which ox- and horse-drawn two-wheeled carretas carried freight and which the modern main avenues and the rail lines also follow. The most recent developments in the city are the industrial sectors that extend from the old center southward, such as Dock Sud, La Boca, Barracas, Pinero, and Lanà ºs. The Paranà ¡ River plays an important role in the life of Buenos Aires. Oranges, grapefruit, cherries, plums, and vegetables are raised in its delta area. Vacation housing is widespread, and on weekends thousands of people fill the area to engage in recreational activities. The Paranà ¡ not only provides recreation, but also links the hinterlands with Buenos Aires and supplies water to the population. The central business district has high-rise office buildings and retail stores. Automobiles are not allowed on the Calle Florida, and shoppers roam its elegant stores, coffee houses, and hotels. The nearby Calle Reconquista is the financial center. Outside the central business district much of the surrounding city has attractive cobblestone streets bordered by large, elegant houses and small shops. Many parks and local shopping districts blend in with the residential areas. Various... ...ce of hostile Indians. It was not until 1580 that Juan de Garay, a colonist from Asuncià ³n, established what became the first permanent community at Buenos Aires. The city did not really begin to develop, however, until the late 1700s. In response to British and Portuguese expansion in the area and increased smuggling, Buenos Aires was made the seat of a Spanish viceroyalty in 1776. In the early 19th century Buenos Aires was a major center for the movement to free the country from Spain. The city leaders had foreseen great economic advantages from the free trade that independence would bring. After independence the city grew rapidly as the center of Argentine political power. In 1880 it was made the permanent capital of the republic. Through World War I the city benefited from a stable economy and substantial foreign immigration. During and after World War II heavy industrial growth contributed to the city's expansion and reinforced its political and economic dominance of the country. Population (1986 estimate), federal district, 2,924,000. BibliographyComptons Encylcopedia Online - Aol Keyword: ComptonsThe Learning Company - Aol.Keyword: LearnMagellan Maps - maps

Saturday, October 12, 2019

the bell jar :: essays research papers

The book â€Å"The Bell Jar† by Silvia Plath was different from other books assigned through-out my time at high school. Most of the other books, including for example â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, Lord of the Flies†, and â€Å"The Heart of darkness† were stories about mostly men and how they all turned against each other in some way and acted like animals instead of humans, and in the end of all of them someone dies. The book â€Å"The Bell Jar† though is without a doubt my favorite so far because it is about a female and about all the pressures of everyday life that run through her head. This is something that I can relate to because I too think about some of these same worries such a as virginity, looks, and morals to name a few. I am claiming that the theme or the meaning of this book is that in order to stay sane in this world, you can’t let the pressures and worries run your actions and decisions and your life or else you will not be able to function. I feel that this is what happened to Esther. I think that these pressures to Esther are what set her over the edge and made her think the way that she did and made her think that something was wrong with her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sylvia Plath portrayed a lot of meaning in this book. The main idea and meaning that she, as a writer, was trying to portray to the reader, is to understand how the worries, burdens, and pressures of being a young, mature adult are enough to put someone, like Esther in a depression so deep that it gives the illusion to the reader that she is insane and not in touch with reality. I believe that it is a matter of her being depressed and not of her being insane because of all that is on her mind she cant think clearly which makes her seem insane because if the strange things that she talks of such as not being able to sleep or eat, or even write. I think that the author did a very good job of making her seem depressed to the point of â€Å"insanity† because of how she Esther feel like she wasn’t sleeping when really she was sleeping for hours upon hours when she was put into the institutions. At an earlier

Friday, October 11, 2019

What Is the Bystander Effect

Rebecca Aspinwall Professor Patrick Shal 11/05/2012 What is The Bystander Effect? Dr's John M Darley and Bibb Latane are both professors of psychology. Even though they have not attended or worked at the same university, their credibility is equally the same. Their award-winning research was gathered to complete their essay â€Å"Why Don't People Help in a Crisis,† they suggest the probability of a bystander helping is correlated to the number of bystanders present. Next Darley and Latane state that, â€Å"there are three things a bystander must do to intervene in an emergency. First the bystander must be aware of the situation, second the bystander has to establish if the situation is an emergency, and then third they have to decide if it is their duty to intervene and help the person in need (141). Darley and Latane have done an exceptional job on informing the reader, however, their research fails to take into account outside variables which may call into question the vali dity of their research. The language used in this essay by Darley and Latane â€Å"Why Don’t People Help in a Crisis† is emotional to say the least.One of the examples used to inform their readers of the bystanders actions demonstrates their use of emotional appeal with language. Making the subjects relive others horrific situations, the authors are able to portray in an emotionally packed explanation of what happened to the victim in each narrative. For example the first victim they mention, is Kitty Genovese, who was murdered in her home in Kew Gardens, New York. Thirty eight of her neighbors watched her die without helping or even calling nine-one-one (140).This emotional technique is effective, because the initial impact of this heinous act grabs the reader’s attention heightening their arousal. The residual effects are intended to make the reader feel sympathy for the victim. Thus taking a more shock and awe approach the authors use emotional language to en gage the reader into the topic. The intended audience is students and professors of psychology, which would constitute an audience whom is well educated with specific psychology erminology and references like â€Å"Apathy† and â€Å"Indifference†, however, the language betrays this notion of a specific audience since it is fairly easily understood among the general population. The authors involve simple phrases like â€Å"lose your cool† or â€Å"sleeping of a drunk† to make the article easy to follow (142). Therefore the author’s intended audience was a highly educated group of the population, however, it was written with the intent to intrigue the general public.Using an ethical approach the authors make the reader self reflect upon their own moral judgment. The authors asked ethical questions that forces the reader to become personally related to the topic, Questions such as â€Å"How can so many people watch another human being in distress and do nothing? ‘ Why don't they help? ‘ We needn't feel guilty, or re-examine ourselves or anything like that. Or should we? † (141). The authors use of moral questions brings the reader to very front line of the topic ethically and has without a doubt a very effective result.The reader is not able to remain an objective party but becomes subjective to the point where they begin to question whether or not they themselves would have the same reactions as the bystanders in the examples or if they would help in an emergency? This moral examination is a good strategy for persuasion, because it engages the reader to become subjective. The authors do a wonderful job in appealing to emotion, by using individual stories of tragic events instead of multiple stories. The authors persuades their readers by giving a face to the victims.As a result the reader becomes emotionally involved in the article and is just what the authors intended to capture their audiences attention. An other persuading technique is the appeal to logic because of the use of inductive reasoning in gathering evidence . The authors experiment with test subjects to find answers as to why bystanders don't help in an emergency? They've drawn a conclusion, from the experiments of the bystanders actions which depends on the number of people around at that time. If the bystander was in a large crowded area the probability of helping a victim in need is slim.But if the bystander is alone than the odds of helping the victim is greater (141). The authors begins the essay with a specific case using Kitty Genovese as an example and then states another specific case with Andrew Mormille (140). Next the authors draws hasty generalizations to conclude that bystanders don't help if they are surrounded by others. Darley and Latane use a sufficient amount of reliable evidence when they use their experiments as a way to explain their theory. Darley and Latane do not give any other information about the experiments, other than stating that there was â€Å"72 college students† (143).But the authors do give information about the test results. One of the experiments used in the essay was completed with 40 people who were paid two dollars each to participate in the research. First the authors used an attractive young woman to lead the test subjects into a room. Then separated them so that the test subjects were alone and had a divider wall between them and the young woman. Next the woman pretends to have an accident and called out for help, seventy percent of the subjects who were alone offered their help .The next experiment they tried was to see if the subjects would offer help if they were paired up with other subjects and the results were drastically different â€Å"8 out of 40† subjects â€Å"offered to help. † and â€Å"the other 32 remained unresponsive† (143). The experiment used in this statement was used in an ethical appeal because most individua ls would like to assume that they would help in a situation like the one mentioned, but given the results the individuals would mostly agree with the authors. The authors don’t give much attention to the possibility to variables that may have changed the dynamics of their research.An example of one of these variables is location. In our popular culture today, people are more susceptible to believe the validity of the research if the location is taken into effect. The bystanders in New York may be different then the bystanders in Minnesota and vice versa. Another example of a variable that could have an effect on the responses of bystanders could be group dynamics such as age, socio-economic status, and many more. Another effective suggestion is if the authors gave the readers examples of ways to improve their behaviors o help people in need instead of stating that bystanders have an â€Å"apparent indifference of others. † and also stating that â€Å"We can choose to see distress and step forward to relive it† (145). This statement would have been more believable if the authors showed examples how to step forward and change the behaviors of not helping. Overall, the authors have done an effective job informing there readers about the probability of a crowded bystander not helping someone in need. The authors used the emotional appeal to capture their readers attention, and used their logical reasoning to convince their readers.This informational essay was published in Arguing Across the Disciplines: A Rhetoric and Reader, because of the eye opening reactions intended for the readers. But the authors don't pay any attention to the variables used in the experiments. For example the location, age and race of the subjects could have made a huge difference in the results. Work Cited Darley, John M. , and Bibb Latane. â€Å"Why People Dont Help in a Crisis. † Arguing Across the disciplines: A Rhetoric and Reader. Ed. Stuart Hirschberg and Terry Hirschberg. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. 140-45. Print

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Law Enforcement Agencies Essay

Identify three federal law enforcement agencies. Roles and responsibilities and comparison of local and state law enforcement duties, functions, and their two main differences. The duties, functions, and responsibilities of Local Law Enforcement agencies are as follows: They are required to arrest law violators, perform routine patrol, investigates crimes, enforce traffic laws (including parking violations), provide crowd and traffic control for example parades and other huge public events. Today they also have duties such as: Performing the duties of coroners, tax assessors, tax collectors, keepers of county jails, court attendants, and executors of criminal and civil processes, as well as law enforcement officers. The duties, functions, and responsibilities of State Police Agencies are as follows: patrol small towns and state highways, regulate traffic, and have the primary responsibility to enforce some state laws. They also carry out many duties for local police agencies, such as the managing of state training academies, criminal identification systems, and crime laboratories. Some of the differences between the state and the local police are as follows: State police cooperates with an assortment of law enforcement agencies such as local police, the highway patrol, and park or forest rangers. Really the differences between a sheriff and a police officer vary slightly from state to state, which sometimes lead to confusion. Three federal law enforcement agencies are: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Drug Administration or Agency (DEA), and the Alcohol Tobacco Firearms (ATF). â€Å"The FBI is a threat-based, intelligence driven national security organization, their principal investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Justice and a full member of the U.S. Intelligence Community,†(FBI 2010). These agents are â€Å"dedicated men and women of the DEA are working hard to investigate and arrest the traffickers of the dangerous drugs.† These agents also help keep our schools and neighborhoods safe and secure. The â€Å"Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) seeks to reduce alcohol smuggling and contraband cigarette trafficking activity, divest criminal and terrorist organizations of monies derived from this illicit activity and significantly reduce tax revenue losses to the States,† (ATF 2010). These agents are also reducing violent crime, and enforcing the Federal explosives laws and regulations. These agents are working to enforce Federal firearms laws and regulations.  All these agents whether local, state or federal work together to protect the United Sates residents from all criminals activities.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Assyrian Crisis Essay Research Paper THE ASSYRIAN

Assyrian Crisis Essay, Research Paper THE ASSYRIAN CRISIS, A TIME OF GROWTH The Assyrian Crisis in Judah appears, from the surface, as a clip of great fortune for the people of Jerusalem. However, by analyzing the state of affairs with a more powerful lens, one can see the powerful spiritual infuence such an event could hold on a resident s divinity. If I were a Judean during this clip, my religion would hold faced the toughest trial of my life. Traveling into such a struggle with a state every bit strong as Assyria, I could non assist but be afraid. My castanetss would tremble at the idea of devastation of the Holy City of Jerusalem, of the people of Judah, and of my ain being. Although I would hold believed in God, I would still be filled with fright. This fright would intensify when I heard a courier for the male monarch of Assyria, as stated in Isaiah 36, mocking God, dissing His power and doubting His salvaging grace on Jerusalem. He goes on to seek and convice us, the people of Jerusalem, that Hezekiah is non trusty, and that we will non happen aid in Egypt because they are non dependable. Finally, cognizing the way of devastation that Assyria has already created, and their hungriness for more, in add-on to the courier s statement that the Lord has commanded Assyria to travel and destruct Jerusalem, my feelings of fright and uncertainty would uncontrollably well up inside me. We are, after all, merely human, and fright is a common feeling, despite where we stand with God. No adult male lives without fright, but though fear our religion is tested and strengthened. Upon hearing and sing the truth of Isaiah s claim that God will save Jerusalem and coerce the Assyrians back place, my religion in God would be fortified. In the times of fright, I would hold realized how weak, how immature, and how far I must travel in my religion and trust in God. But one time I heard Isaiah s prognostication, I would utilize it as a manner to make off with my fright. Knowing that God was traveling to salvage His Holy City, and that He was traveling to go on with His perfect program for world that dated back every bit far as the times of Abraham and held a hereafter for the reaching of the Messiah, I would cognize that my God follows His programs and maintain His promises. Through this, I would hold peace. I would shortly larn that I can swear Him in everything because as it says in Scripture, if God is for us, who can be against us? Bing a occupant of His Holy City, I would cognize that God was on my side everlastingly, and whatever uncertainty I of all time had i n God s promises or programs for my life would be washed off. Sing God spare my life, along with my metropolis, I could non assist but reconstruct all assurance that was lost in my Father. I would be able to follow Psalms 46:10, and be still, cognizing that He is God. What a comfort! What a sense of utter religion, arrant dependance, and arrant submission! Harmonizing to Isaiah 37:25-29, God had given Assyria the power that it had and allowed them to suppress who they did. But, upon recognizing the attiude and jeers of the Assyrians towards Himself, God sent them place and allowed their male monarch to be murdered. This transition would hold taught me, as a Judean, the other side of God: His choler. I had already experienced His grace and fidelity in salvaging my life and metropolis, but I now would larn that God s penalty is existent, that what we do against God will non travel unaccounted for. And sometimes, as with the male monarch of Assyria, the penalty is every bit dearly-won as one s life. This would learn me how nescient I would be if I were to mock my Father. Because of what He has so gracefully saved me from and due to the grounds of His power in penalty, I would larn to so grateful and so in debt to God, that there is no room or ground to diss Him. Furthermore, the grounds of God s grace as a lesson to my religion could be seen in two more instances. The first involves God promise to Hezekiah that the state of Judah will one time once more return the luxury it existed in. This involved an addition in harvests over the undermentioned old ages and a repopulation of the land. God s promise was fulfilled, and Judah shortly returned to their normacy. Associating this to my life, I could be assured that whatever tests I encounter, that God is ever in complete and entire control, and that He will reconstruct me. The 2nd grounds of His grace is seen in Hezekiah s unwellness. When Hezekiah turned to God in ardent supplication for healing, God responded to his supplication by leting him to populate for 15 more old ages. By God s response, I would hold learned that God has the power to alter the full class of our lives through our supplication life, and that I should neer waver to inquire God for extremist alterations, every bit long as I honor Him with those alterations. Hezekiah went on to talk of the significance of go throughing the joy of the Lord from coevals to coevals in Isaiah 38:19. As a lesson to me, I would hold used this to understand that the heritage of our religion has come to us because of faithful work forces and adult females who have carried God s message throughout the centuries. Recognizing this, I would see myself as the following torchbearer. The writers of 2 Kings write about the history of Israel, halfway between the decease of David and the decease of the state. Israel has been divided, and the two lands have begun to skid ito devotion and corruptness toward prostration and imprisonment. 2 Kings relates the seamy narratives of the 12 male monarchs of the Northern Kingdom ( Israel ) and the 16 male monarchs of the Southern Kingdom ( Judah ) . For 130 old ages, Israel endures the sequence of evil swayers, until the are conquere vitamin D by Assyrian and led into imprisonment. The evil male monarchs were short-sighted, and they thought they could command their states fates by importing other faiths with their graven images, organizing confederations with pagan states, and cenriching themselves. Of all the male monarchs in both the North and South, merely two are called good. The good male monarchs had to pass most of their clip undoing the evil done by their predecessors. Because of their obeisance to God and the religious resurgences during their reigns, Judah stands for an extra 136 old ages. By composing about such events in the history of Israel and Judah, the writers of 2 Kings would hold been influenced by what happened in the Assyrian crisis with Hezekiah. Through much of the book of 2 Kings, the writers understood the convulsion and the effects of holding evil and good male monarchs in a state. With an evil male monarch, came evil workss of blasphemy and devotion, and wickedness perculated through the state. With a good male monarch, nevertheless, God was kept in the foresight, and He would bless the state with protection and endurance. The writers besides caught a glance of God s forbearance and the manner He speaks to His people through Prophetss. God told his people that if they obeyed him, they would populate successfully ; if they disobeyed, they would be judged and destroyed. Had had been patient with the people for 100s of old ages. He sent many Prophetss to steer them and warn them, but even His forbearance has bounds, as the writers wrote about. The writers of 2 Kings would respond to the Assyrian crisis with a great sense of apprehension and readying, because they wrote about so many incidents like it, and knew how a good and evil male monarch could impact the hereafter of his state. They would see the state of affairs as fundamentally an evil male monarch from Assyria vs a good, Devout male monarch from Jerusalem, and therefore the writers could easy think that those with God in head would be the masters, in this instance, the metropolis of Jerusalem. After seeing the crisis semen to cloture as they suspected, the writers of 2 Kings would hold their religion supported. They would be more confident in cognizing that God does, in fact, take favourites when it comes to esteeming or mocking Him. They would besides go on to see how He can be really gracious, or really barbarous, depending on how people treat Him. To the male monarchs that followed Hezekiah, the Assyrian crisis would render utile as a lesson on how to populate in God s eyes. They would be able to look back on the state of affairs and see non merely how Jerusalem was saved from such incredible odds, but besides blessed afterwards. They could besides look back and see the subplot of how Hezekiah overcame the odds of decease. By analysing such scenarios, the future male monarchs must inquire themselves why the metropolis of Jerusalem and Hezekiah lucky, and how they can acquire lucky excessively. The lesson they will larn, nevertheless, will surprise them when they discover that fortune was non involved. It was the mere fact that the metropolis of Jerusalem and Hezekiah s life were both saved because Hezekiah had his eyes fixed on God, and prayed fierily to Him. God, through His limitless power, turned away the mighty Assyrian ground forces, and through His grace and clemency gave Jerusalem back the luxury it one time had in the old ages after the crisis. Out of love, He besides gave Hezekiah 15 extra old ages to populate, despite being deathlike ailment. The power of supplication proved to be true. At the same clip, nevertheless, the future male monarchs would see the choler of God when He is blasphemied through the slaying of the male monarch of Assyria. At a glimpse, this may all look to be luck, but looking nearer would learn the male monarchs after Hezekiah to esteem God and maintain Him foremost in their lives and their state if they wish to be successful and safe. From the position of the apostle Paul, the Assyrian crisis would function as a contemplation of his life. Many similarites can be seen between Paul, the Assyrians, and Hezekiah, and through these, Paul would understand what it means to be with God or without Him. By reflecting on the Assyrian crisis, Paul would experience a great sense of peace and gratitude for God s salvaging grace. The male monarch of Assyria was a adult male who blasphemied God. He was a adult male who was on a mission of bid and conquer, and nil was traveling to acquire in his manner. Once he reached the metropolis of Jerusalem, he persecuted Christians at that place, including Hezekiah, the male monarch, with words of jeer and abuses directed towards God. By assailing the Christian religion in this manner, the male monarch of Assyria was seeking to turn out the Christian s God was merely like all other Gods, powerless. Similarly, Paul persecuted Christians by traveling to Damascus to capture them and convey the m back to Jerusalem. He hated the Christian religion and persecuted it without clemency. He, nevertheless, converted to Christianity subsequently and became an amazing tool of God s for distributing the Gospel. Populating such a life against God in his yesteryear, Paul could hold easy compare himself with the male monarch of Assyria. Paul would derive great peace and thankfulneess when he realized God s penalty to the male monarch of Assyria was decease, and that he escaped such penalty and was saved by God. Additionally, seeing the successes of Hezekiah, like returning Judah to the luxury it one time experienced, being saved from the Assyrians, and being given 15 excess old ages to populate after his unwellness, Paul would shortly recognize that the lone ground God was so gracious and merciful with Hezekiah was because he kept his eyes on Him. This would learn Paul that, if he were to be successful, he must maintain his focal point in life on God.