Thursday, October 31, 2019

Conflict and Plan for Improvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Conflict and Plan for Improvement - Essay Example Conflict and Plan for Improvement Thus, I would think that I am logical when dealing with conflict. Whenever I am faced with a situation that is a sure way to start a bigger conflict, I first try to look at the intent of the other person. I believe that we first have to look at the intent of a person when they do an act because miscommunications often lead to disagreements. The context of the situation and how a person says something or relays his thought must be considered before we react. I think that I am objective when dealing with conflict. There are times when I could be prone to outbursts especially if I am not in a particularly good mood prior to the conflict. When I am not feeling well or I have problems in other aspects of my life, I cannot help but to be irritated easily with other matters. I also noticed that I am prone to snap in certain situations like when I’m hungry. I could be passive aggressive that I sometimes make it seem that I am okay when I’m not. In these situations, I burst out when I become fed up and it becomes harder for me to let go of issue. I stand by my point to the extent that I cannot let it go until the other person affirms my belief. I am not one to easily get mad but once I do, it becomes harder for me to listen to other people’s point of view. People in my life affirm that I do not easily get mad but my mom says that I have a tendency to be emotional. Nevertheless, I am able to say sorry and acknowledge my guilt even when I was little.

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