Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Strategic Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Strategic Management - Case Study Example o corporate in the work place to ensure smooth work flow in the organization since shared productivity is key to any success in a company (Hill & Jone, 2012). The company has also decided to create fair business environment in the society. After the Ivanovic had sold the company earlier to the d Avigon, they decided to create a new brand rather than provide similar commodity so that they could avoid business misunderstanding with their friends. This cannot be said of the regular bakeries who might have ventured on the same business creating unhealthy competition in the market The company also offered language training to the immigrants so that they could create an effective communication and organized events such as soccer. These measures created unity both at work place and back at home that ensured peaceful coexistence in the society which is the quiet opposite of the regular bakeries. The company insisted in the use of organic in the production of bread instead of the cheap inorganic components. Expensive use of raw materials leads to high costs in the production. This leads high prices that negatively affect the sale of the products (Hill & Jone, 2012). In fact, this might have formed part of the decision to sale part of the business in order to raise the funds. Hiring was majorly done on inexperienced workers who had to undergo training in the company. This affects the organization in terms of time consuming and increased expenditure. The organization would have hired mixed workers so that the inexperienced can learn in the process of work and save the costs. The company was in dire need for expansion and they refused the venture and franchising measures proposed to them. These groups only act as capital providers and do not take the firm away (Hill & Jone, 2012).They even raise more healthy capital for the organization than the loans. If I were the Ivanocic, i would have accepted their proposal to oversee the growth in the company. After hiring

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