Friday, May 22, 2020

Quantitative, Qualitative, And Mixed Methods - 1467 Words

Hypothetical Research Design In any sort of research, it is vital to have an excellent hypothetical platform. Such a platform forms the premise of the considerable number of phases of research. The three methods for examination include distinctive strategies. Thus, the speculative plans are distinctive for the three techniques. This paper looks to assess the particular hypothetical designs for quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. The qualitative methods do not usually involve statistical analysis. Then again, the quantitative methods essentially include the statistical analysis. Every one of these perspectives might be inspected while defining the hypothetical design for the research. Understand that research questions and research hypotheses are not the same thing. Research questions must foreshadow the data analyses. The overriding purpose of quantitative research is to understand differences. On the other hand, if qualitative research inductively hurls fascinating, frequently shocking and in some cases nonsensical connections and patterns, quantitative research is then ready to ask how much and build up how sure we can be in these working hypotheses. This iterative relationship in the middle of explaining and describing gives the way to a successful blend of methods and data. In this example of a hypothetical quantitative research design, a political analysts think that income influences voting decisions, that rich people vote differently from poor people. ItShow MoreRelatedQuantitative, Qualitative And Mixed Methods777 Words   |  4 Pagesthese methods by their degree of predetermined nature, their utilize of closed-ended versus open-ended questioning, and their focus for numeric versus non-numeric data analysis (Creswell, 2003). 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The chapter has two sections, in the first of which I pro-vide a brief account of the main implications of applying a mixed-methods approach in re-search design and a brief description of the different ways of designing mixed-methods re-search in 3.2. In the second section, I discuss the use of corpus linguistics as a research method, that is, the quantitative part represented by the application of corpus linguistic tools and the choice of the reference corpus that is compatible with the

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